

游客    游客  2017-6-1

版权归属原作者,转载请注明来源>三思岛 SSSdao.com


Beijing on Thursday (23 March) called for harsh punishments for those involved in the tainted meat scandal and also did not mention when the suspension will end. Brazil is the world's top beef exporter.

北京周四(3月23号)要求对那些涉及腐败肉丑闻的进行严厉制裁并且没有提及何时禁令将被终止。 巴西是世界最大的牛肉出口国。

"China has promptly adopted temporary measures and suspended Brazilian meat imports" China's Commerce Ministry spokesman Sun Jiwen was quoted as saying by Reuters.

He added that Beijing expects Brazil to probe the case thoroughly and fairly.

“北京已经快速的采取了一些临时措施并暂停了巴西的肉类进口”路透社援引中国商务部发言人孙继文的话。 他补充道北京期望巴西能够周密和公正地调查此事件。

Meanwhile other countries including Japan and Canada have also banned imports from Brazil after inspectors there were accused of taking bribes to allow sales of rotten meat.


Brazil sells most of the products in Europe and it is the top supplier of beef to China. However the Friday raid that exposed the ugly side of the red meat market has tainted its image.

巴西大部分肉产品销往欧洲而且它是中国最大的牛肉供应商。 但是周五的突击检查曝光了它红肉市场丑陋的一面,也已经玷污了它的形象。

Operation Weak Flesh launched in six Brazilian states raided 194 locations and revealed some big names including the world's largest beef exporter JBS and the world's top poultry producer BRF who are among the 30 companies accused of unhygienic practices.

黑心肉行动在六个巴西的州里进行,扫荡了194个地点并且揭露了一些大公司包括世界上最大的牛肉出口商JBS和世界最大的禽肉生产商BRF, 他们在被指控有不卫生行为的30家企业当中。


Mainstream Media Are FilthMainstream Media Are Filth33 minutes ago

Well China this is a great opportunity to buy British beef. #$%$ to Brazil!

好吧,中国! 这是一个购买英国牛肉的大好机会。不把钱给巴西!

Martin6 hours ago

the Chinese can eat rotten meat and nothing happens to them.


Joe13 hours ago

Just grind them up and label it chicken McNuggets.


Mainstream Media Are Filth32 minutes ago

Yep because chicken tastes like beef


Giango21 hours ago

And as an after thought Hey China aren't you the country that eats just about anything moving or dead? Aren't you(china) the country that eats Rhino horn? Geeesh you would think that your scientists could figure out some theory that rotten meat gives your men more virility. Then you all could eat all the garbage in the world.

想了一下,嘿中国你不就是一个会吃任何能动或者死掉的东西的国家吗? 你(中国)难道不是一个会吃犀牛角的国家吗? 天啊你会认为你的科学家们能够找到些办法让腐败的肉给你们的男人更多的男子气概。然后你们就能够吃掉世界上所有的垃圾了。

Giango21 hours ago

Have NO worries Brazil. Our liberals here in the US will probably buy the tainted meats and chicken and feed it to the rest of the world. There is no shame in making profit to these people. And if the people don't want it they will turn it into animal feed. Nothing like having sick animals everywhere as long as money can be made.

巴西不用担心。 我们美国的自由主义者们大概会买那些腐坏的肉和鸡肉并且将它们提供给全世界。 不用为帮他们赚钱而感到羞耻。而且如果人们不想买,他们会将其做成动物食品。只要能赚钱,没有什么能媲美带病家畜这种到处都有的生意了

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