版权归属原作者,转载请注明来源>三思岛 SSSdao.com
So it is a double edge sword. In the historical Japanese story 47 Ronin they inserted Keanue Reeves as the Eurasian main character. Edge Of Tomorrow the story of a Japanese soldiers soldiers fighting aliens in Tokyo suddenly became Tom Cruise and Emily blunt fighting aliens in London. Ghost In the Shell cast the Robot lead with an Asian name as Scarlet Johansson and the worst of all is the move 21 the true story of Asian American students taking on the casinos suddenly became a biopic where the Asian students became white students. This is before you talk other movies like Last Airbender and Dragon Ball Z that whitewashed Asian iconic characters. It is going to continue with Di Caprio going into production about re-making the Japanese manga Akira with him as Akira. If Asian audiences support movies with whitewashing then it is going to happen. When African Americans boycotted Gods Of Egypt and Exodus for still trying to portray Egyptians as white when they never were both movies flopped and Hollywood stopped the production on all movies that portrayed Egyptians as white. So maybe Asians needs to calm down on their white western obsession for their own cultural health.
DerkNew Oneiricist 9h ago
Personally I see this putting on pedestal of white western culture in East Asian countries a result of the colonialism and historical military defeats by Western Powers has greatly damaged the Asian psyche where they seek validation of their culture in White Westerners.
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