

卫我中华    一级炼气  2018-2-7

版权归属原作者,转载请注明来源>三思岛 SSSdao.com

[–]AdorabroUnited States 12 指標 3 天前

I've met plenty of friendly and open-minded foreigners and also met plenty of questionable foreigners (some who happen to be teachers.) However one foreigner stuck out in my mind as to how absolutely shitty of a person he is. Story time!


This guy used to work as a journalist from a really high up organization and talks about his high education his many certificates his published articles showing me pictures of himself all over the world and he's talking about all of this... a lot. He loves talking about himself. He's also talking a lot about politics and how black people are disgusting "low class" and have bad English. Yeah you read that right. He also uses "low class" for a lot of other people who are not "cultured" by his standards and he uses that word quite a lot.


Well... Before coming here he met and impregnated a Chinese woman while he was on one of his jobs. From what he said he thought she was "cultured" but when he arrived in China and saw that she wasn't who he thought she was and realized her family was from a "poor background" he was livid. He didn't realize he got chinar'd and oh boy... He got chinar'd BIG TIME. He talked to me about how utterly disgusting his wife's family was and how disgusting she was but he still had a child with her and has been staying here (miserably) for roughly 10 years. This was all from the second time I've met with him and he's blasting all this information about his personal life accomplishments and racism to me. He's not slowing down.


So he's still with his wife and he's talking about all these times he's had sex with many different Chinese girls while married. He says he doesn't love her and the marriage is up because he's there simply for his child which is probably the only good part of his character that I can think of but I'm not confident in saying that. There's this one time he's with a girl and asks her "Why don't you speak English well? It doesn't matter if you live in China. English is a universal language. Everyone should be speaking it!" This is the same guy who refuses to eat Chinese food brags about staying at 5 star hotels and refuses to learn the language and adapt to the culture. Yeah... He's been here for roughly a decade.


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